Thursday, August 25, 2011

Red Yarn Puppet Band is recruiting puppeteers & musicians!

The Red Yarn Puppet Band, a Portland folk-puppet-combo, is looking for a few good puppeteers and musicians to join their community-based performance group. Teaching artist, musician and puppeteer Andy Furgeson, AKA Red Yarn, formed RYPB in Summer 2010 as an extension of his American folk music and puppetry explorations. RYPB uses handmade puppets to animate old folk, blues, and country songs, early rock'n'roll, and original music, mostly with animal themes. A leporid, folk-singing hybrid of Br'er Rabbit and Bob Dylan, a neurotic, avant garde opossum, a Cajun frog who leads a family band with his rodent wife, a hillbilly hound dog, and a sleazy rockabilly cat are among the colorful characters that inhabit Red Yarn Puppet Land.

RYPB has performed for children and families at community events, for adults at Beady Little Eyes' puppet slams, and has provided puppet spectacles at local indie rock and dance shows. They have a show booked on Saturday, September 17 at the Slabtown Community Festival in NW Portland, and would like to incorporate new members in time for that performance. Most gigs are paying, albeit a small stipend for each band member.

If you would like to learn more, please contact Andy at or (503)577-0445.

Thanks for your interest!

Red Yarn
A Young Audiences Teaching Artist